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Confused? Concerned? Just ask.

It is not always easy to know whether you or your child would benefit from some form of professional therapy and it is common for therapists to hear concerned parents complain “I don’t know what it is, but something’s not quite right” or “I just don’t know how to handle my child”.  Even when parents think they know the nature of the problem, they don’t always know the best approach to dealing with it. This is completely normal and is, after all, why professional therapists exist in the first place.


My general consultation approach is simple – if you’re not sure, just ask. If I don’t think I can help you, I will tell you. Depending on the nature of the initial enquiry, I may recommend an initial consultation with just yourself or with both you and your child together. Sometimes, a couple of separate sessions is required. Rest assured that I won’t stretch out assessment/diagnostic sessions any more than is absolutely essential to feel that I’ve got a good grasp of the issue and the best way to address it.


For enquiries or to book a general consultation, please contact me.

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